#Its already done
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etherealkissed88 · 1 year ago
ⓘ congratulations: it has been confirmed that what you wanted has already been manifested.
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shradsmanifestt · 14 days ago
You're not waiting on anything!
Don't be stuck in the process of trying to manifest something. You aren't. Just understand that manifestation is an instant process. As in I know that some of you would be like, but I DECIDED it's mine and it's not here yet, so how can it be instant?? So let me ask you something, what makes you think it's not here right now? You do know that imagination is the real reality right? That our 3d will forever reflect what's in our inner world. So knowing that in mind why would you take your 3d circumstances as validation for what you have or don't have?? It makes absolutely no sense!
You want it? Know that you already have it. Stay firm on that. Discipline your mind. That's all you gotta do. Don't waver, don't second guess. Are you really gonna give your power away to someone else or something outside of you? You can choose not to and that's gonna land you the life of your dreams. This is a promise ❣️
Love, Shrads.
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chicademartinica · 9 months ago
I’m not a « wedding at the end » type of Romance reader/viewer but I would watch both YeCher and Yakdee get married on my screen. I don’t know why ! Traditional too. Jasmine and encense and all. Cher in a wedding fit ? Fam I would turn into guava jelly.
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ditchadderband · 5 months ago
Focusing on the upside
I have been finding that recording vocals aggravates my fibro AND migraines, which tends to lead to me waking up in the night. As wild as it may seem recording vocals well can take hours for a single song, it would be quicker to do a whole live performance! Maybe other people have faster recording sessions but I get pretty obsessed with approaching it from a lot of angles. Anyhow, my point is that this sucks... but I have decided that I am going to make lemonade out of this bastard lemon. Therefore I have decided to stream on twitch during those sleepless nights. If you like totally commentary free gameplay maybe check it out, or don't it's all good. The important thing is that I get to feel like I'm doing something productive during a difficult time, and that's not nothing.
follow https://www.twitch.tv/twitchditchadder to watch me dogfight poorly in Elite Dangerous VR, or just to show support for my attempts to rejoin the productive universe, bit by bit. and as ever our first single "Sex Manticore" is avalible for you to listen to here https://open.spotify.com/track/2Wbq5ln3IHomklnwFT9uKs?si=ed1a24acfbc94128 or here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SU0a5uYbj4&pp=ygULZGl0Y2ggYWRkZXI%3D
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thepnkvoid · 1 year ago
Say it with me…
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venushottie · 3 months ago
my 5’3 ass posted up with my 6’6 tatted hooper husband
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medirue · 4 months ago
I want to win the competition so I’mma win the competition! Heck, I’m already the winner!
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missjudijaikrazi · 4 months ago
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May all your dreams come true.
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shradsmanifestt · 7 months ago
I feel you, I understand you, IT FEELS SO IMPOSSIBLE, like as if it juts isn't working, it seems pointless all of this affirming, when the 3D is still shit. But you're wrong. You really are. Who told you that you don't have it? The stupid 3D??? Your stupid circumstances??? I mean like why? Why are you putting so much power on that. You already have what you want and that's it. That's all. Don't give up. You're so close, You have no idea. You have no idea how you're winning. It really is done. The minute you decided it was. Trust me on this, just trust me on this. Don't give up. Just don't give up. I know you want this. I know you want it badly. I know if you would persist you could have it, just like that. It really is yours, it was always meant to be yours. You just think it won't work, cause you think that imagination isn't the real reality, because you give more power to your 3D and circumstances .
Why?? If you want it why would you do that to yourself? You shouldn't. I am telling you rn. You are not allowed to give up. I mean c'mon dude you literally know about the LAW OF ASSUMPTION. I mean knowing all this and you're still choosing to live in that life where you're not in control is just stupid. You owe it to yourself. Do you even know how fucking lucky you are to know all of this. I know for sure that a very very less percent of people actually know about manifestation/ manifest consciously. Do you realise howw fucking lucky you have to be to stumble across this. Every single day of my life I see people living their ordinary normal lives, just going with the flow, having little to no control of their lives and their circumstances and not evem realising it. I can literally see why their lives are exactly the way it is and it physically hurts me to know that people who do know about this are struggling. I understand it can be hard but if you persist you'd get it so easily. That's all you gotta do. I mean like really!! Just know it's already done. That is it. It is done. IT IS ALREADY DONE. YOU ALREADY HAVE IT. THE MINUTE YOU DECIDED IT WAS YOURS. AS LONG AS YOU DON'T GO BACK TO THE OLD STORY, NO ONE AND I REPEAT - NO ONE CAN STOP YOUR DESIRE MATERIALISING. THAT'S IT. THAT'S ALL THIS IS ABOUT. YOU HAVE IT AND YOU HAVE IT NOW.
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princessofmanifesting222 · 24 days ago
🎀✨Just remember you can have anything in your reality and nothing is truly off limits ✨🎀
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bbbbbbrilliantly · 3 months ago
YOU WILL FIND A WAY!!!! YOU WILL FIND A WAY . You will find a WAY ….. you WILL find a way . You will find a way you will find a way……!! YOU WILL FIND A WAY YOU WILL FIND A WAY you will find a Way you will (find) a way you will find. a way you will find a way YOU WILL FIND A WAY!!!!!!!
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nevillegoddardsonofabdullah · 3 months ago
If You're Seeing This Your Desires Are Already Yours 🙏💰🏡🏡
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lokh · 1 year ago
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bbbbbbrilliantly · 2 months ago
May the love you attract in 2025 feel soft, nourishing, reciprocal, and easy. Not traumatizing, ill-timed, or emotionally immature.
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tierramichelle · 8 months ago
Good things come to those who know the good thing is already theirs
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jweisbaum · 8 months ago
Signs follow, they don't precede.
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